Get your waste electrical equipment guarantee easily
The waste electrical equipment guarantee is recognised and listed by stiftung ear. As a collective guarantee with reinsurance cover, it offers you planning security and a number of business benefits:
- Saving per type of equipment on national register fee, compared to the individual guarantee provision
- One solution for all types of equipment
- Guarantees issued unbureaucratically without credit
- Low-cost guarantee form without liquidity drain or credit facility charges
- The guarantee reliably covers the entire presumed medium life period, which means no retroactive charges for amounts invoiced in the year put on the market.
- without long-term binding contracts ("pay as you go" principle for guarantee validity period)
Our services save you processing time and reduce your administrative expenses. We are happy to advise you and handle registration, reports and disposal with our partners.
Your guarantee in three steps:
- Calculate and send offer
- Complete, sign and return contract documents received
- Pay for guarantee to cover guarantee period
Simply calculate your OFFER or speak to us.
We’re happy to help.
The guarantee solution without provision requirement
The premiums of the collective guarantee cover the total guarantee period. Therefore it is not necessary to build provisions. Compared to other guarantee models you avoid the administrative and financial burden of building annual provisions.